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Learn more about opportunities to get involved with our advocacy coalitions.

Stay Informed  

Receive important information from our advocacy coalitions to your email in-box. Emails from our coalitions contain updates on what is happening in Washington that could impact coverage options as well as news articles, studies and other materials that contribute to the public’s understanding of relevant issues. On occasion, email alerts suggest opportunities to get involved in the public debate by sharing your story or contacting your elected officials. Links to sign up for our advocacy coalition emails are listed:

AHIP Coverage 

Coalition for Medicare Choices  

End the Premium Tax 

Health Savings Alliance 

Partnership to Protect Medigap 

Your Income at Risk 



Take Action by Contacting Congress 

Speaking out is an important way to get involved in the political process. Contact your Senators and Representative and let them know where you stand on the key issues impacting the affordability, accessibility and quality of health care. 



Fighting Health Care Fraud Toolbox 

Health care fraud impacts everyone by driving up costs and, in the worst cases, by resulting in real injury to its victims. This toolkit provides information that consumers can use to spot health care fraud; take steps to protect their selves and their loved ones; and to report suspected fraud to the appropriate authorities.