Event Detail

Event Registration - Conducting An Internal Investigation: The Practicalities....

Title: Conducting An Internal Investigation: The Practicalities....
Start Date:
Wednesday, 10/10/2012
End Date:
Wednesday, 10/10/2012
2:00 PM Eastern Standard Time
Description: This session is designed for health insurance professionals who are faced with, or have faced the challenge of conducting their own internal investigation when impropriety involving an internal employee, vendor, third party or any combination is suspected or reported. This webinar will provide practical information for starting an internal review, protecting confidentiality while getting detailed and accurate information, and avoiding common mistakes that can compromise the investigation and possibly create additional risks for an organization. Two leading legal professionals will provide advice and perspectives for anyone who has investigative responsibilities or oversees audit, compliance, or antifraud functions within their own organization.

For more information, please visit conference website

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