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Coverage@Work (C@W) is a campaign to educate policymakers and the public about the value employer-provided coverage delivers to more than 180 million Americans. C@W supports and advocates for market-based solutions that advance health, choice, affordability, and value for every American.

Learn How C@W Protects Americans

Employer-provided coverage delivers affordable access to care, effective ways to improve health, and financial security for more than 180 million hardworking Americans and their families. From small, family-owned, and mid-size businesses to national and international corporations to public-sector organizations and unions – companies across the country see the value in offering comprehensive health benefits to their employees. Thanks to diverse and active competition from health insurance providers in every state, consumers, and employers have access to high-quality and affordable care choices that deliver financial protection and peace of mind – now and for the future.

Featured Resources

Coverage@Work Testimonials
  • Mental health benefits demonstrate employers’ commitment to employees
    Susan Blue, President & CEO of Community Services Group
  • Employer-provided coverage delivers access to mental health support.
    Licensed Clinical Psychologist Dr. Jenny Martin
  • Personalized care through telehealth and nurse hotlines
    Norma from Queens, New York
  • Employer-provided coverage enabled access to care during COVID-19.
  • Peace of mind through employer-provided coverage
  • Employer-provided coverage improves access to mental health support through telehealth
    Jessica Fenchel, Vice President of Adult Behavioral Health at Access Services.
Facts and Figures
  • Half of children
    in the U.S. receive

    health coverage through a parent/guardian’s job.

  • Nearly half
    of Black Americans (47%)

    are enrolled in employer-provided coverage, and more than 40% of Hispanic Americans are enrolled in employer-provided coverage

  • Nearly 70%
    of Americans

    with employer-provided coverage (67%) are satisfied with their current coverage, and 64% believe the quality of their plan is high.

  • 75% of adults
    with employer-provided coverage

    say that their coverage was important to maintaining the health and financial security of them and their families during the pandemic.

  • Strong majorities
    agree their employer-provided coverage

    covers preventive services (82%), the benefits and services they need (74%), and mental health support (67%).

  • 75% of consumers
    with employer-provided coverage

    are likely to consider being seen by a doctor or treated via telehealth if it’s an option, and 79% believe it’s important for the federal government to maintain the new COVID-19 telehealth flexibilities for patients.